
Powerflute's result down in first half of the year

Aug 21 2012  Powerflute's EBITDA from continuing operations in the first six months of the year decreased by 19 percent from year ago to 5.9 million Euros.

Powerflute, which owns the Savon Sellu liner mill in Kuopio, Finland, reports revenue from continuing operations of 57.7 million Euros, compared to 58.3 million the same period 2011. Underlying EBITDA from continuing operations reduced by 1.4 million Euros to 5.9 million Euros (7.3) due to lower selling prices and an increase in variable expenses resulting from one-off production challenges, the company writes in a press release.Profit before tax from continuing operations reduced to 2.1 million Euros (5.6). Earnings per share were 0.5 cents (1.6).”Despite continuing economic uncertainty, the operating environment for our business remains broadly favourable, and we are confident that the group will perform well in the second half of the year,” Dermot Smurfit, Chairman of Powerflute, commented. ”Powerflute is profitable and cash generative, with a strong balance sheet and considerable cash resources.”Powerflute is quoted on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.

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