Loss in fourth quarter for Rottneros
Rottneros' profit after net financial items amounted to 28 million Kronor for the full year 2011 before write-downs and one-off costs, down from 138 million Kronor the year before. Profit after net financial items amounted to -44 million Kronor for the fourth quarter (13).The result for the third quarter of 2011 was charged with write-downs of -118 million Kronor and one-off costs of -30 million Kronor. Loss after net financial items amounted to -120 million Kronor for the full year 2011 after these write-downs and one-off costs.The board proposes a dividend of 0.10 Kronor per share (0.20).2”011 was a year of two quite different halves. Demand for sulphate pulp was good during the first six months of the year, which resulted in prices increasing to a new record level. However, the price of mechanical pulp remained virtually static despite the good momentum for chemical pulp. Global stock levels for pulp increased, which was probably due to purchasers worrying about further price rises,” says Ole Terland, CEO of Rottneros. ”The market psychology changed during the summer; demand for printing and writing paper was weak, the financial crisis worsened in Member States in the Eurosystem and high levels of pulp stock suddenly became a good reason to push pulp prices down.””We completed extensive improvements and investments at Vallvik mill during the last quarter of the year,” Terland continues. ”Negotiations have been concluded in respect of the improvement program at Rottneros mill, which was announced in September, and notices of termination given and early retirements arranged. The program will be fully implemented during the summer.”