International Year of Forests celebrated at the European Parliament
Exhibitions and seminars concerning future forest issues and the forest sector's contribution to the European bio-economy were held at the European Parliament during the firsta half of September.The events were arranged by European organizations, among other CEPI, Confederation of European Paper Industries.Seminars and workshops were held on topics such as “Forest Sector’s contribution to the EU bio-economy,” "Forest sector contribution to bio-economy," and "Europe's and world's forests - which way for the future?""We have to fight against a worrying situation in order to save the threatened forests of this planet" said HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco at a High Level Conference in the European Parliament on September 8.Achieving sustainability requires strengthening global governance, strong international cooperation and the implementation and enforcement of laws. Successful partnerships built with key countries, such as Indonesia and Brazil, through the Norwegian government’s Climate and Forest Initiative REDD+ (Reduction Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation) generate political commitments, emission reductions, and valuable lessons learned, according to Ambassador Hans Brattskår from the Norwegian Ministry of Environment. /AA