Norske Skog to temporarily reduce newsprint production
Sept 20 2011 Norske Skog temporarily halts the production on one paper machine at Skogn mill in Norway. The company will lay off 56 employees at the plant.
Norske Skog will temporarily lay off 56 employees at Skogn mill, close to Trondheim, from September 21 until October 31.The mill takes two months’ downtime on PM2 due to weak market conditions. PM2 has a capacity of 186,000 tons of newsprint per year. The downtime during September and October will reduce the output by some 25,000 tons.According to Odd Einar Aarmo, Information Manager at Norske Skog Skogn, no other measures to reduce the production at the mill are planned at present.Skogn mill has three paper machines and a total capacity of around 600,000 tons of newsprint per year. /AA