Billerud: Sales growth with stronger margins
Billerud's net sales in the first quarter amounted to 2,547 million Kronor (2,190 million the corresponding period last year). This is an increase of 16 percent. Profit for the period amounted to 235 million Kronor (156), and earnings per share amounted to 2.28 Kronor (1.52).Billerud's operating profit amounted to 332 million Kronor (234), corresponding to a margin of 13 percent (11). The increase was largely due to improved prices, Billerud writes in its report.
"I note Billerud's continued good performance with great satisfaction," comments Per Lindberg, CEO of Billerud. "We had record sales volumes during the first quarter, and this has provided growth of over ten percent compared with the previous quarter. This was achieved with a continued strong operating margin of 13 percent.""Our aim has been to achieve a stable and high operating profit as a base for growth. We steadily laid the foundations for this in 2010, and the stronger base was further strengthened during the first quarter of the year," Lindbergs adds.According to Lindberg, Billerud's sales growth derives from a combination of volume growth, an improved mix of products and markets, as well as
higher prices in local currency."This has enabled us to withstand the cost increases and a stronger Swedish Krona during the quarter," Per Lindberg says.