Sluggish timber sales continue in Finland
The aggregate January-March purchase volume, 2.8 million cubic meters, was down more than a fifth from the corresponding period of 2010, according to statistics published by the Finnish Forest Industries Federation. The volume of pulpwood procurements, 1.7 million cubic meters, fell 17 percent from the corresponding period of 2010. Sawlog procurements came to 0.9 million cubic metres, almost a third less than in the corresponding period of 2010.The stumpage price of softwood pulpwood increased one percent, and the price of birch pulpwood was unchanged. The average stumpage price of pine and birch pulpwood was 15 Euros per cubic meter, while spruce pulpwood fetched 18 Euros per cubic meter.Timber is also imported to Finland from abroad. For example, supply of short-fibrous birch pulpwood in Finland is insufficient.