Strong improvement last year by M-real
M-real's sales 2010 were 2,605 million Euros (2,432 million 2009). The operating result, excluding non-recurring items, was 173 million Euros (-150). Operating result including non-recurring items was 146 million (-267). The result before taxes, excluding non-recurring items, was 92 million (-230), including non-recurring items 48 million Euros (-358). Net result for the year amounted at 27 million Euros (-331).Earnings per share from continuing operations, excluding non-recurring items, were 0.23 Euro (-0.66).”The demand for cartonboard continues very strong, and M-real is expanding its capacity to increase the production of cartonboards for food packaging in particular. The new 70 million Euros profit improvement program, started to offset the impact of accelerating cost inflation, will particularly focus on the paper units and the variable costs of all operations. Increased paperboard prices will improve profitability during the first quarter of 2011," M-real's CEO, Mikko Helander, said.