Ahlstrom shows net sales growth 2010
Ahlstrom's net sales 2010 were 1,894.2 million Euros (1,596.1 million), an increase of 18.7 percent. Operating profit was 53.7 million Euros (-14.6). The figure includes non-recurring items of -20.5 million Euros. Operating profit excluding non-recurring items was 74.2 million Euros (39.8). Ahlstrom's profit before taxes was 25.5 million (-40.1) and earnings per share were 0.26 Euro (-0.72). Net cash flow from operating activities was 167.5 million Euros (209.6 million). "Last year, our financial result development took a positive turn and cash flow continued strong. Our growth strategy in Asia progressed very well with a growth of almost 50 percent, and, in addition, we completed an acquisition in the Filtration business and established a joint venture in China," said Jan Lång, President and CEO in Ahlstrom."Our strengthened balance sheet gave us the opportunity to implement our strategy and develop our businesses. We started a significant change program with the aim of building a stronger and more harmonized company. We also streamlined our product portfolio through divestments," Jan Lång continued. "Last year was challenging for us in terms of higher raw materials costs, but our organization succeeded well in the margin management by increasing selling prices."