Former UPM mill to host new data center
Sept 22 2010 CSC, IT Center for Science Ltd, is to establish one of the world’s most eco-efficient data centers in Kajaani, on the site of UPM's former paper mill in northern Finland.
The data center will be built jointly by CSC and UPM, and it will provide a state-of-the-art environment for supercomputers, data storage, and other demanding IT systems. Besides CSC, other companies are also expected to utilize data center's facilities.The construction work of the data center will start during this autumn, and the center will be completed in early 2012. ”CSC’s decision to establish a computer machine room in Renfors Ranta business park in Kajaani is an important development step for the industrial complex. The project will bring more jobs and new companies to the site”, says Kaj-Erik Lindberg, Vice President, Real Estate, UPM.