Still red figures for Metsäliitto, but positive fourth quarter
Metsäliitto's sales for 2009 totalled 4,837 million Euros (6,434), and the operating result, excluding non-recurring items, was -75 million Euros (45). Metsäliitto's operating result, including non-recurring items, was 169 million Euros (2).The most significant cost items were the impairment charge of 113 million Euros, booked by M-real, and the write-downs and cost provisions of 73 million Euros associated with the action plans, which were announced in December.The fourth-quarter operating result, excluding non-recurring items, was 44 million Euros (-75 million the fourth quarter of 2008). Compared to the third quarter of 2009, the operating result improved by 35 million Euros. The result was improved by, among other things, more favourable development of pulp prices than expected, improved utilization rates at the mills, and internal profit improvement measures. The result of the tissue paper business in Metsä Tissue was good throughout the year.