Red figures for Ahlstrom
Ahlstrom's net sales 2009 amounted to 1,596.1 million Euros (1,802.4) and the company reports an operating result of -14.6 million Euros (14.6). Result before taxes was -40.1 million Euros (-20.6), and earnings per share were -0.72 Euro (-0.38). Net cash from operating activities increased to 209.6 million euros (102.4).The number of employees decreased by 524 people during the year."The personnel excellently implemented the streamlining efforts to improve profitability and cash flow. The 55 million Euros annual savings will be reached in 2010 as planned," says Jan Lång, CEO of Ahlstrom.According to Jan Lång, Ahlstrom's net sales for 2010 are expected to increase compared to 2009 but remain lower than the level for 2008. Operating result, excluding non-recurring items, is expected to increase compared to 2009.