SPCI´99, Finland: Profox launches a new CADMill 2000 Plant Design system
The finnish company Profox Companies Inc. launches a new CADMill 2000 Plant Design system software in SPCI´99 exhibition in Stockholm. Profox Companies Inc is among the very first companies who launches their plant design software that bases on the new advanced AutoCAD2000 software. CADMill 2000 Plant Design system is a total concept for a plant design and data management. The system widely covers all the areas of plant design; p&id diagrams, piping layouts, mechanical design, 3d plant design, instrumentation diagrams and electrical schematics. The system brings the intelligence to the AutoCAD system by linking the data and graphical objects by using the database information. The system also includes a database to control all the plant design information. CADMill 2000 Plant Design system can be used by major Nordic pulp & paper companies, consulting companies and equipment manufactures, like UPM Kymmene, Stora Enso, Metsaliito Group and Ahlstrom, which are all having a worldwide licensies of the system. Profox Companies Inc presents the CADMill 2000 system in a stand, number B06:13.(Papernews) (BMH)