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Jobbar du med nanoteknik bör du se hit!
Med en Microfluidizer uppnår du de högsta skjuvkrafterna som en högtryckshomogenisator kan uppbringa. Dessutom utsätts hela din batch för exakt samma skjuvkraft, oavsett om du processar 1 mL eller tusentals liter per timme. Det ger en snäv partikelfördelningskurva. Läs mer nedan och på hemsidan om hur du kan förbättra din process och kvalité med Microfluidizer.
Learn what so many manufacturers have already come to appreciate, that Microfluidizer® technology produces unrivaled results in uniform nanoemulsions, cell disruption, particle size reduction, seamless scale-up, and unparalleled repeatability.
- No other high-pressure processor is capable of generating the shear levels achieved with Microfluidics' equipment.
- Every mL of material gets exactly the same high-shear treatment regardless of whether you are processing a 1 mL batch or thousands of liters per hour.
- Precision-manufactured Microfluidizer® processors help to establish performance standards for high-pressure processing success.
- Our technology is essential to the development and production of an extensive range of products across diverse industries.
Visit www.microfluidics-mpt.com to learn more.